Membership of The Academy of Real Assets
The Academy of Real Assets provides an efficient and cost-effective way for you to meet the “S” in your ESG ambitions.
The organisations that make up the Academy membership are some of the biggest real estate and real assets firms in the world. Social value, or the ‘S’ in ESG, is about recognising the importance of social, economic, and environmental wellbeing across our communities and the Academy of Real Assets is there to help our members in that aim.
By forming strong partnerships with schools, youth organisations and sporting institutions, The Academy is able to deliver an ambitious programme that raises awareness of careers in real estate and real assets among young people, particularly those from backgrounds that are underrepresented in the sector.
To find out more about becoming a member of the Academy of Real Assets, email stephen@acadrealassets.com
“We have had several organisations pass through over the last couple of years and it is has become clear when we come across organisations/people with a genuine interest in inspiring and supporting the young people we work with as opposed to fulfilling a short-term CSR agenda.
“We have been really impressed with Academy of Real Assets and the client organisations who have engaged with us to date, we look forward to progressing these relationships in the long term to broaden the horizons and future opportunities…”
Street Soccer London
Members FAQs
Who are your members?
We have over 70 leading real estate and real assets investors, owners, advisers, and operators as our members. The Academy puts together events and experiences to help these member firms engage with, assist, and offer experience to young people across the UK. (See our members for more details.)
How do members get involved?
Members can get involved as much or as little as they like. We have an ambitious programme of events across the academic year in which members can participate. We understand that many members already have their own social impact initiatives, but by being part of The Academy, a member is making a further, significant, wider, national social impact at a low cost.
Each month, we send an “Events Bulletin” listing opportunities to engage with our student partners. Each member has an Academy team member assigned to look after their needs and ensure they get the most out of their membership. Junior colleagues can also join our Youth Network, which is made up of colleagues at member firms under 35 and/or in the business for less than 10 years, who meet regularly to lead on social mobility and diversity initiatives.
Do you have a staff team?
The Academy of Real Assets is a social enterprise that seeks to increase access, diversity, and intellectual curiosity amongst UK schools and students by connecting them to some of the country’s leading real estate and real assets firms through events and work experience opportunities.
The Academy of Real Assets has over 60 leading real estate and real assets organisations as its members who lend their expertise to young people in the UK through our ambitious programme of events.
We partner with schools, youth organisations and philanthropic groups to deliver a programme of workshops, site visits and work experience opportunities for young people, aimed at increasing socioeconomic diversity in real estate and real assets.
What are the membership benefits and how is member involvement publicised?
Membership benefits include the ability to make a real and measurable social impact, working with a dedicated Membership Manager to ensure you get the most from your membership, creating bespoke events that work for your business, and receiving regular bulletins and a Live Calendar of Events.
Members also have the opportunity to be part of the Academy Annual Student Book and Launch Event. Member activity in Academy events is publicised via social media and media channels.
Are there any other member benefits?
We want membership of The Academy to provide commercial benefits to members while also helping them generate significant social impact. Through our member-only events during the year, we help our members meet others within the industry, exchange ideas, and make connections. In 2023/24, these events included:
- March 2024: Q&A in-person event with Beth Rigby of Sky News ahead of the UK General Election.
- October 2024: Inaugural Academy Lecture and drinks at the Wellcome Trust.
- November 2024: Birmingham Reception for Midlands firms with the West Midlands Mayor and other leaders.
In 2024/25, there will be a further series of member-only events.
How can my organisation join?
If you are interested in joining, please contact us, and we will get back to you immediately to arrange a call.
To read our full FAQs, visit our ‘About Us’ page.
Upcoming Events
March 2025
April 2025
May 2025
No Events
June 2025
Our Members